If life takes you somewhere…….just GO!

IMG-20160719-WA0028“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us” –  Anonymous

You do not need a lot of money to travel, just a lot of courage.  I can give you countless examples of people who have a lot of money but who are afraid to travel.

But for those of us who get bitten by the travel bug it typically starts in a small way.  Usually, a road trip on the outskirts of our hometowns, or a camping trip with friends at the end of which we feel completely rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.  Even a relaxing weekend at a resort, miles away from the stress of work, can produce a new you on Monday. And before you know it you are hooked.

Very soon you begin to drive further away, camp for longer periods, connect more with nature and begin to realize this is what life is all about.  Now you are thirsty for more.  You start saving up money for that trip that will get you further and further away from the things that have bogged you down.  If you are a couple or a family you start planning a trip together and the whole process just brings you closer to each other.  With a little help from google of course.

Every new place you visit brings with it an experience that enriches you as a person.  You meet people from other states and eventually from other countries and you begin to realize the world is so much smaller than you thought it was.  You feel sheepish that your presumptions and pre-conceived notions about people, cultures, food and places were mostly in your mind.

Yes, travel does make you a better person.  A teacher, a parent or a mentor can teach you only textbook knowledge but it is your life’s experiences that teach you to become a better human being and travel can and should be a part of every human beings life.

The best part about traveling though, is that, it does not merely take you physically out of your comfort zone; it expands that most important God given part of you – your mind.

So what are you waiting for?  Pack that bag and just GO:)



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